
Activists to protest Walz’ peacetime emergency orders

A large brick building with snow on the ground.

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 14, 2020 Contact: Michele Even Phone: 952-277-9114 Email: [email protected] Liberate Minnesota - Reopen Our Lives Credit River Twp, Minn. – Gov. Tim Walz issued an Executive Order on March 13, 2020 declaring a Peacetime Emergency that he just extended into the middle of May. This has effectively put the entire populace in the state on hold that is now destroying our economy and people’s homes along with it.


“This overreaction by the governor has gone on long enough and we aren’t going to take it anymore,” Liberate Minnesota organizer, Michele Even, said in a statement. She continued, “All jobs are essential. People need to support themselves and their families. The governor and these legislators need to stop hurting us. We need someone to care about us. Give us our life back!”


Liberate Minnesota is seeking to send a message to the governor and legislators by exercising their 1st amendment right to peacefully assemble and use their free speech. “People’s lives are already in turmoil and the cure is worse than the disease at this point,” Michele said. “People are fed up with this lock down and want to get back to their jobs to support themselves and their families. This ‘Stay Home’ order has destroyed homes. Enough is enough!” she concluded. Liberate Minnesota will be holding a 1st Amendment peaceful assembly at the Governor's mansion on April 17, 2020 from 12:00 - 3:00 pm to send a strong message that people have had enough and they’re not going to take it anymore. It’s time to Liberate Minnesota now.


13 thoughts on “Activists to protest Walz’ peacetime emergency orders”
  1. Please allow my husband’s 4 restaurants and his 150+ employees get back to work!

  2. We need to open up Minnesota ! People want to work ! Let them go back to work and a lot of our problems will be solved !
    It’s unconstitutional for you to pick and choice who can work ! It’s going to happen May 1st with or without you !

  3. I don’t think we’re there yet. First, the stay at home order and state of emergency are two separate things. As of now, the stay at home order still expires May 4th. The extended state of emergency order allows the state to continue to use energy resources. Second, the stay at home order has actually been pretty lenient. Just look at what’s happening in Michigan for comparison. Yes, we’d all line to get back to work, but we’re not out of danger yet. Our number of cases continues to increase. We’re not on the back side of this yet. In my opinion, an organized protest is not warranted.

    1. You will never be out of danger . You can catch this virus a month from now or two months from now. Hospitals are not full. There are no lines for beds and the average age of death is 87 years old.

    2. I don’t think a protest is necessary yet, unless we team up with that crazy Nazi Governor of Michigan, as to when we open MN.

      1. walz did team up with Michigan, i heard that yesterday, couple other states also working together, they said

  4. Are you kidding me? Do those of you agreeing with this know anyone who has actually gotten sick? Use the “oh average age is 87” bullshit- I personally know 3 people under 40 who have been sick as hell and have heard about their experiences. This is a serious. People need to survive, yes. By returning to work and being around others it makes it easier for this virus to spread. There is a reason minnesota has such low numbers. It’s people like you idiots who are going to make it easier for us to catch this virus. Social distance. Stay home. This is a hard time and it sucks but the only way it is going to pass is if we follow direction and stay safe. Please stop being so selfish, you sound stupid.

  5. Let the the people who are afraid stay at home locked in their parents basement’s and let the others work.

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